"In the Cool of
the Morning" 8 x 10

Went to a workshop with Anne Blair Brown up in Tennessee last week. Had a great time,
she is a wonderful person and a great instructor as well.
We're already feeling the influence of fall- the leaves rustle with a dryer sound, and there are hints of orange creeping into the landscape. It was perfect fall weather for painting- we were down in Leiper's Fork Tennessee, just south of Franklin. Lots of lovely rolling hills and barns, bright yellow soybean fields. I turned out two decent painting out of the five or six I did.
Anne has an interesting method of painting, underpainting the most vertical surfaces bright yellow or orange, more shaded places in blue or purple. Then, overpainting with the more local color that you see. Somewhat similar to what I saw Lois Griffel do in her workshop, but much more subtle. The main thing I liked about Anne's work was the brushwork she does- it is beautiful, descriptive, like a kind of shorthand. Here's her website: http://www.anneblairbrown.com